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Beyond AI: Nvidia’s Role In Quantum Computing

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The future of computing is expected to be quantum. However, it is a massive project that has not yet reached its full potential; researchers are still facing difficulties in a number of areas, including as error correction, scalability, cost, and complicated hardware and software that can manage extremely high-performance simulations.

Nvidia today announced the debut of Quantum Cloud, which enables users to develop and test new quantum apps and algorithms in the cloud, in an effort to promote and expedite scientific research into this next phase of computing.

Dismantling Obstacles To Quantum

According to the business, the goal of the new Nvidia Quantum Cloud is to “accelerate scientific exploration.” Among its abilities are:

In cooperation with the University of Toronto, the Generative Quantum Eigensolver was created. This technique makes use of large language models (LLMs) to speed up the process by which quantum computers determine a molecule’s ground-state energy—that is, its most stable configuration.
QC Ware Promethium, which addresses challenging issues in quantum chemistry, including molecular modeling.
The combination of Classiq and CUDA-Q, which facilitates the creation of complex programs as well as the analysis and operation of quantum circuits by researchers.
According to Costa, Nvidia Quantum Cloud aims to “break down the barriers to explore this transformative technology.” “Every scientist in the world should be able to harness the power of quantum computing and bring their ideas closer to reality,” states the mission statement.

The Quantum Ecosystem Of Nvidia

Nvidia claims to have 160 partners in the quantum computing space, and a number of well-known tech and quantum firms, such as Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Oracle Cloud, IonQ, IQM Quantum Computers, OQC, ORCA Computing, qBraid, and Quantinuum, are integrating Quantum Cloud into their offerings.

For example, researchers at HSBC created a quantum machine learning (ML) tool that can identify fraudulent digital payments. On Nvidia GPUs, this simulated a “whopping” 165 qubits; normally, projects don’t use more than 40 of these basic computing units.

According to the corporation, ML approaches deployed with CUDA Quantum and cuTensorNet software on Nvidia GPUs allowed the researchers to overcome issues with scalability.

In order to assist in educating the upcoming generation of computer scientists, Nvidia is also collaborating with around two dozen universities. This entails creating lesson plans and instructional resources centered around CUDA Quantum. The business also co-sponsored the QHack quantum hackathon, where the Indian startup Qkrishi’s winning team employed CUDA Quantum to create an algorithm that simulated a material that is essential to creating better batteries.

The future of computing depends on bridging the gap between conventional computers and quantum systems, according to a statement from Carnegie Mellon University’s vice president of research, Theresa Mayer. In order to “assist students and researchers in navigating and excelling in this emerging hybrid environment,” Nvidia has partnered with her school and other institutions.

Supporting global quantum initiatives According to the business, numerous other quantum projects also make use of Nvidia’s CUDA Quantum and other systems.

Among them are:

The combination of Nvidia Quantum Cloud and QC Ware’s Promethium quantum chemistry suite.

At Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, the ABCI-Q project is one of the biggest supercomputers devoted to studying quantum computing.

The Novo Nordisk Foundation has deployed an Nvidia DGX SuperPOD. An implementation of CUDA Quantum by Australia’s Pawsey Supercomputing Research Center using NVIDIA Grace Hopper Superchips.

A fresh Classiq CUDA Quantum integration. With the aid of the Israeli startup’s technology, researchers may focus more on developing future algorithms by having high-level functional models automatically build optimal quantum programs.

An endeavor by ORCA Computing to construct and provide the National Quantum Computing Centre in the UK with a quantum computing testbed. Using CUDA Quantum, an Nvidia GPU cluster will be a part of this.

CUDA Quantum integration with the development environment of the cloud-based platform qBraid. According to research by BlueQubit, Nvidia’s technology offers the “fastest and largest” GPU quantum emulations.