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Redesigned E-commerce Website For Music Industry Company

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Our US-based customer established a ground-breaking business that combines technology, fashion, and music. Their mission was to make connections between the public and independent musicians. They achieved this by luring listeners in with free music streaming and then persuading them to purchase products the company manufactured that were associated with these musicians.

It wasn’t an easy road, though. The client originally used Shopify to build their multifaceted platform, but the platform’s performance was lackluster, especially when it came to converting visitors into customers. This was caused by the lack of integration between the platform’s components.

The client’s goal in taking on this assignment was to identify and address the platform’s flaws. In the end, their e-commerce website required a thorough revamp. This necessitated collaborating with a company that has vast experience in e-commerce development and is able to carry out a thorough audit to identify and resolve problems. They made contact with ITRex.

We Committed To The Following Tasks:

First, we conducted an audit to help with the layout of an e-commerce website. This audit examined:

UI/UX evaluation, technical health check, navigation analysis, functional performance, and analytics review.
After that, we turned our attention to building platform improvements.

Developing a strategy for the platform’s disjointed component integration and workflow redesign for the three end user groups of purchasers of ready-made items, buyers of custom products, and brands (partners) was another crucial task.

Delivering a comprehensive revamp of an e-commerce website was our ultimate goal. The customer required a solution that would boost sales in addition to being simple for them to administer and easy for users to navigate.


First, we conducted a thorough technical health check and study of the client’s Google and Shopify statistics, which identified important problems influencing user engagement and sales. Among the most important of them were the high rates of site leave and bounce, which indicated a clear need for better product engagement and navigation. The platform’s confusing checkout procedure was another important element that had a direct effect on conversion rates.

Additional issues that require improvement were found by our UI/UX audit. These included inefficient use of space, the absence of a quick view tool, subpar navigation menus, poor visibility of the shopping cart, and a hazy distinction between promotional banners and product photography.

With the client’s approval, we implemented more than half of the approximately sixty site enhancements that we had recommended. To improve customer transactions, a thorough redesign of the checkout procedure was one of these enhancements. We also modified the unique blockchain system that powers their music streaming business and repaired their database after determining how it was originally constructed.

Our Efforts To Modernize Were Diverse:

● garments Customization Tool Integration: Synoptive, a tool that simplifies pricing, product setup, and visual rendering, was integrated to allow for simple development of custom garments and direct checkout.
● Additional Modules:

  • For purchasers of custom apparel: We have included a module that allows users to easily design and order custom clothing.
  • For partners: We developed a module that enables partners to order samples, manufacture branded products, export products to their Shopify online stores and Amazon, and interact in real-time with store assistants.
    ● All-in-One Admin Panel Design and Implementation: To handle every business operation, we created an extensive admin panel. This had a staff management section, product lists, a notification center, a partner section with search and filter features, and sales reports. The panel offered improved features for partner relationship management, personnel operations supervision, and sales data analysis.
    Impact of redesigning a music website and a shopping website
    Introducing a partner module has enabled a user-friendly B2B interface, simplifying brand partnerships and facilitating smoother vendor integration, thereby optimizing the store’s collaborative ecommerce ecosystem.
    ● The redesign of the e-commerce website brought about a significant improvement in the checkout and navigation experience, which increased conversions.
    ● The improved user experience also led to higher customer return rates and longer engagement on the platform.