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Why Context Improves Generative AI?

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Imagine hiring a Michelin-starred chef for your dinner gathering. You offer them the assignment without telling them your preferences, dietary restrictions, or celebration. Now, the chef may cook something special. Maybe everyone goes home hungry.

This applies to business. Your organization can have the best brains, but they won’t help until they understand your business. Generative AI too.

Claude and OpenAI’s GPT series are GenAI models, a strong new general-purpose technology that can power many value-driving use cases. Enterprises can’t fully utilize GenAI until they assist it in comprehending their business environment.

Foundational GenAI Challenges

GenAI tools use core AI models like LLMs. Complex AI systems now understand and reason like humans. They just know what they’ve been taught, like humans.

Businesses wishing to use GenAI encounter many obstacles:

Lack Of Business Context

GenAI LLMs use big internet datasets. These are stagnant, outdated, and lack industry-specific domain knowledge. Generic responses don’t meet your goals. In simple business context inquiries, GenAI models often fail.

Limited Time, Expertise, And Access

GenAI models can be given context using rapid engineering. This is the trial-and-error process of trying different input prompts to get the model to respond. This can be hard and costly. Time is scarce for most enterprises. They also lack advanced models and the expertise to customize and govern them across automation and AI teams.

Lack Of Transparency

GenAI models are ‘black boxes’ for a reason. After all, LLMs are multi-billion-parameter models with complex semantic links that don’t explain their rationale or source data. GenAI doesn’t demonstrate its operations, which concerns authorities and customers. Lack of openness can mislead decision makers, preventing trust and understanding.

Hallucinations, False Positives

Even AI models make blunders. GenAI can sometimes ‘hallucinate’ and give false answers and insights. Neglecting to review and fact-check these outputs can lead to incorrect business decisions and damaged consumer relationships. Thus, GenAI must be closely supervised in any workflow and not left alone.

Context rules retrieval-augmented generation.
Businesses need a solid way to base GenAI models in their own business data to maximize its usefulness. This will provide context and assist models operate appropriately and make fewer mistakes, enhancing reliability and trustworthiness.

AI models can be fed context and data using retrieval augmented generation (RAG). RAG actively seeks relevant knowledge from a dataset (like a company’s knowledge store) rather than relying on its trained data.

Imagine being assigned an essay in college. Some topics can be written from knowledge. For more precise questions, you must’retrieve’ information from a book or journal. RAG operates similarly.

UiPath context-groundingGenAI replies are exact and contextually accurate using RAG. It gives your models a crash lesson in your business, industry, vocabulary, and data.

RAG is essential to context grounding, the latest UiPath AI Trust Layer innovation. Context grounding employs RAG to extract meaningful data from a relevant dataset when a user prompts a GenAI model. This information is used to generate relevant, accurate, and context-sensitive replies.

Context grounding, a crucial feature of the UiPath AI Trust Layer, benefits enterprises seeking GenAI success:

Specialized GenAI Models

Context grounding makes generic LLMs specialized. UiPath has many data sources and a flexible framework for internal and third-party tool integration. We reliably root prompts with user-provided, domain-specific data to ensure your AI understands and adapts to your business and industry niches.

Simple Usage And Fast Value

Context grounding is user-centered. The UI is easy to use and reduces learning time. LLMs tailored for data context can now be used by businesses.

Greater GenAI Transparency And Explanation

RAG clarifies GenAI data and logic per response. AI decision-making is open to study. The UiPath AI Trust Layer gives you insight and control over generative AI models and assures data governance.

While GenAI RAG alone cannot eliminate hallucinations, it dramatically reduces their likelihood. UiPath’s AI Trust Layer ensures GenAI models generate correct automated replies. We keep humans informed to ensure context and results match business automation goals.

When Generative AI Understands Your Business

Context grounding makes it easier for businesses to provide GenAI their data, boosting performance and predictability. It adds explainability to the black box, allowing GenAI replies to be safely tracked and improved.

Additionally, businesses receive better semantic search capabilities. Context grounding helps GenAI comprehend the ‘why’ behind a question by focusing on the user’s intent rather than their words. The result? More accurate and appropriate responses, less irritation.

To clarify, what about an example? A healthcare organization wants efficient organ donor screening. Clinicians usually had to read lengthy requirements paperwork to evaluate donors. However, a context-based GenAI assistant could speed the procedure.

Instead than browsing through documentation, professionals can ask the tool if a donor is suitable. The model would comprehend the request, retrieve the necessary data, and inform the clinician. To be safe, it would show the source of this information to examine its judgment.

Foundational models are exactly that. You must ground GenAI in your business environment before trusting it to automate. To ensure AI uses data responsibly, traceably, and transparently, you need a framework. Context grounding is essential for GenAI success.