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The Top Six AI Marketing Trends That Will Affect 2024

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These days, AI is present in everything—social media, advertisements, and marketing analytics. Are you curious about the latest fashions? Here’s a list of marketing trends driven by AI that you should surely be closely monitoring.

1. Using predictive Analytics To Make Better Decisions

It is now feasible to predict future user behavior thanks to AI. How does that take place? AI can gather large amounts of data from apps and websites, which it can then utilize to forecast the user’s behavior in the future. In essence, AI assists in identifying trends in user behavior. This information is also useful for optimizing offers and adverts and for forecasting user behavior in the future.

Analytics using AI can also assist in seeing data that is invisible to humans. To determine which customers are most likely to make repeat purchases, a retail organization, for example, can use predictive analytics to examine client purchase history, demographic information, and online behavior. They can then use this data to develop customized marketing campaigns that send these clients offers, discounts, and product recommendations that are pertinent to them.

Consider Levi as an illustration. Levi employs AI to improve price and shipping choices. Their ability to personalize, anticipate demand, and make well-informed price decisions has been facilitated by the use of AI and automation in data.

The business uses machine learning, which automatically finds patterns and forecasts outcomes in data and statistics.

The following tools provide AI-based predictive analytics for improved decision-making:

2. Producing And Creating Videos

To save money and time, more and more brands are enlisting AI as a partner for video creation. AI for marketing is enabling companies to generate vast amounts of content faster while cutting costs associated with producing videos, such as hiring actors or anchors, writing scripts, editing, transcribing, and so on. This includes the creation of avatars, scripts, edits, and more.

These days, a variety of tools are accessible for producing video material. Your lengthy videos can be turned into short-form video material with the help of AI solutions like Is Capable Of:

employing AI-powered algorithms to automatically edit raw video footage into a final result. The software can recognize and eliminate extraneous content, seamlessly combine photos, and even include music and captions.

identify faces in video material, classify them, and examine the expressions and emotions on them. Applications like market research, consumer feedback analysis, and video-based customer support can make advantage of this functionality.

convert audio files to text so that video footage can be more easily searched and analyzed. Applications like content indexing, closed captioning, and subtitling may find use for this capability.

Analyze video content and conclude by applying natural language processing methods. Applications like sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and keyword extraction can make advantage of this functionality.

Here are some ways AI is changing the process of creating and producing videos:

Prior To Production

AI can help with pre-production chores including planning, storyboarding, and scripting. Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered marketing solutions are able to recognize and classify relevant images and audio, create automatic scripts based on keywords and themes, and analyze existing content to recommend storylines.


AI for marketing can be used in the production phase to automate a variety of processes, including audio recording, lighting, and camera operations. AI-enabled cameras, for instance, can recognize and follow faces, automatically adjust focus and exposure, and even suggest camera angles and photos based on pre-established criteria.

After Production

AI can help with post-production activities including sound mixing, color grading, and editing. Artificial intelligence (AI)-driven marketing solutions are able to match color and lighting across shots, identify and eliminate undesired background noise, and evaluate film and recommend edits based on pre-set templates.


AI can help with the video’s promotion and dissemination after it’s finished. AI-powered technologies may even optimize the video for various social media platforms and devices, recommend distribution channels and target audiences, and evaluate audience behavior and engagement with the video.

All things considered, artificial intelligence (AI) can help automate and streamline many processes involved in producing and creating videos, saving time and money while enhancing the end result’s effectiveness and quality.

Related resource: AI in Marketing: 10 Use Cases and Real-World Examples

3. Improved Audience Classification

Marketers have encountered difficulties in the past when attempting to apply effective audience segmentation techniques. The causes are the expense of customization and the dearth of comprehensive client data. The “why” behind a customer’s actions is not clear and is not addressed by the usual character building. But with the development of AI, businesses are now able to partially overcome these problems.

AI is now assisting businesses with audience hyper-segmentation. Artificial Intelligence may produce deeper insights into each and every customer by combining data gathered from them. It aids in the analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data, or the customer’s feelings and personality.

Coca-Cola, for instance, implemented AI algorithms in sixty vending machines located in Newcastle, Australia. AI recognized each machine’s unique transaction pattern and generated recommendations to increase each machine’s earnings. Coca-Cola observed a 15% increase in transactions and an 18% reduction in the need for restocking visits for all of the vending machines by stocking the appropriate products at the appropriate locations.

Try Symanto, an AI-powered platform that offers sentiment analysis, emotion recognition, psychographics, and topic detection to help organizations better understand their customers. Today’s organizations may make better judgments by utilizing solutions like Symanto AI, which offers improved audience hyper-segmentation.

4. Using AI To Enhance AR And VR

Although augmented and virtual reality have gained a lot of popularity in recent years, how does artificial intelligence improve upon them? Any marketer should be familiar with these three terms because companies like Snapchat, Nike, and Adidas already use them to promote their goods.

VR and AR assist marketers in interacting, instructing, and communicating with consumers. The following application cases involve the immersive usage of AI in conjunction with AR and VR:

Virtual Assistants: With the introduction of AI and VR, brands are using virtual assistants to help customers buy more effectively. In addition to shopping, the World Health Organization uses virtual assistants (VAs) as health workers. One such VA, Florence, asks interactive questions and offers advice on managing stress, eating healthily, being more active, giving up tobacco and cigarettes, and getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

Avatars: Marketers are using digital avatars to respond to people more organically, improving user experience by making experiences more lifelike and captivating.

The cosmetics company Sephora has combined AI, AR, and VR to provide customers a virtual try-on experience. With Sephora’s virtual try-on tool, customers can examine how beauty products would look on their own faces by using an avatar that can match their skin tone and facial expressions.

Artificial intelligence powers the avatar, analyzing the user’s skin tone and facial traits to offer tailored product recommendations. Additionally, customers can experiment with various cosmetics looks and styles in a realistic, immersive atmosphere by using the virtual try-on tool.

Through the use of avatars in AI, AR, and VR, Sephora has given its customers access to a highly personalized and engaging marketing experience. Due to the virtual try-on function, users are spending more time on the Sephora website and making larger purchases. This has improved customer engagement and sales.

All things considered, utilizing avatars to combine AI with AR and VR can offer clients a distinctive and captivating marketing experience in addition to customized recommendations and product ideas based on their particular requirements and tastes.

5. AI-Powered Advertising

Businesses may now create targeted advertising with a higher conversion rate and maximize ad budget and performance thanks to AI. Let’s examine this Pepperoni Hug Spot illustration. AI was used only in the creation of the Pepperoni Hug Spot Ad. It examined thousands of social media posts and advertisements.

6. Voice Search Engine Optimization

The marketing industry will see a rise in the use of AI-powered voice search optimization, especially for companies looking to stay ahead of the curve and offer their clients simple, tailored experiences.

The following are some ways that voice search optimization driven by AI is influencing marketing in the future:

Personalization: Voice assistants can offer tailored search results and suggestions by utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to examine user behavior and preferences. This enables brands to give their clients a more personalized and pertinent experience.

Convenience: Voice search eliminates the need for users to type on a keyboard or browse a webpage in order to quickly and conveniently find the information they need. This improves the efficiency and convenience of the search process.

Accessibility: Voice search makes it easier for folks with impairments or those who have trouble typing to obtain information. Brands may show their dedication to inclusion and social responsibility by emphasizing accessibility in their marketing campaigns.

Innovation: Voice search driven by artificial intelligence is a state-of-the-art technology that is always developing. By making an investment in voice search optimization, brands can show that they are dedicated to innovation and keeping on the cutting edge.

Furthermore, Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant’s voice search optimization is heavily reliant on AI. Here are a few examples of how voice search optimization and AI are combined:

Natural Language Processing (NLP): To decipher the meaning and intent of spoken words, NLP is powered by artificial intelligence. This enables voice assistants to comprehend user queries precisely and deliver pertinent information.

Machine Learning: Voice assistants can eventually offer more individualized and pertinent search results since machine learning algorithms are used to examine and learn from user behavior and preferences.

Contextual Awareness: In order to deliver more relevant and customized search results, AI algorithms are able to examine contextual elements including location, time of day, and user history.

Predictive analytics: Using user behavior and preference data, artificial intelligence (AI) may predict and deliver pertinent search results before users even submit a request.

Associated reference: 10 AI for Marketing Courses, Both Free and Paid, to Advance Your Career

How Will AI Marketing Develop In The Future?

Artificial Intelligence in Marketing: A Perfect Future? Nonetheless, it is clear that business advances in artificial intelligence are assisting the marketing sector in many ways to produce good outcomes and automate numerous activities. It’s clear that you are ahead of the curve if you work as a marketer and are already familiar with AI digital marketing trends and tools. AI will eventually find its way into your marketing plans, and you’ll need to integrate it into your everyday responsibilities.

ChatGPT’s sibling AI tool, AutoGPT, is currently under development. It can create websites, write emails, conduct in-depth market research, and create business strategies all by itself. However, what distinguishes AutoGPT from ChatGPT? While ChatGPT needs thorough instructions to finish activities, Auto-GPT can operate without human assistance. Although Auto-GPT is based on ChatGPT’s structure, it possesses an autonomous decision-making capability that ChatGPT does not currently offer.

For instance, you would need to provide ChatGPT distinct instructions for invitations, food, and decorations if you were planning a party. But since AutoGPT is a self-prompting computer, it may plan a party for you without requiring many prompts from you.

Additionally, anyone with an internet connection can utilize ChatGPT, whereas Auto-GPT requires programming ability to operate.

Thus, it seems sense that automation will be essential for successful marketing.


This article has covered AI in AR and VR, advertising, voice search, content creation, audience understanding, and prediction. These trends in AI marketing are here to stay. Marketers need to change with the AI revolution since it may be the necessary transition to save money and time.